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A brief description of program

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TILIGO idea is to define components included in every business offer:


Materials and/or components) that is basic elements, materials, tools, etc. which are needed in a planned project.
Services that is activities that are necessary to project implementation and that generate costs for your company.
Sets (alternative name for a formula) that is the most frequently used combinations of products, services and other sets.


All elements (products, services and sets) defined in this way may be combined into OFFERS (PROJECTS) in a simple and intuitive way and then their final price may be received. If you change anything in any element of a project, the entire project will respectively change.

This simple mechanism has been equipped with fairly advanced functions, among others:

parametrization (i.e. determination of available value ranges, adequate for a given element) pro_50_green.zoom50,
setting various levels of discounts (per product, per directory, per trading partner),
defining alternative elements useful for a particular project,
defining customers, suppliers and alternative suppliers,

and many more.

Thanks to these functions, you may price an offer in a quick and accurate way. Then, you may export it into a template and send to a customer shortly after getting all necessary information concerning the order. You may also export the offer to the outer office applications used in your company.