When creating templates, it is necessary to use so-called TAGs.
They are designed to allow the automatic insertion of text and numbers coming from a currently edited offer into templates. As a result, you get a document with the right content.
Not only texts and numbers can serve as tags, but also used images (e.g. a photo of an offered product).
An alphabetic list of TAGs and their descriptions are presented below. Some TAGs are shortened in form. In such a case, the form is provided next to a full name. An abbreviated TAG may be used as an alternative to a full form.
TAG's name |
Description |
[[Afterwords]] |
A text written after presenting a particular offer |
[[Currency]] |
Currency |
[[CustomerContactPerson]] |
Name and surname of a customer |
[[CustomerInvAddress]] |
Customer's address (street, building number, etc.) |
[[CustomerInvCity]] |
Customer's city |
[[CustomerInvName]] |
Customer's name (Company) |
[[CustomerInvPostalCode]] |
Customer's postal code |
[[EntriesEnd]] lub [[EE]] |
TAG insterted at the end of an offer table |
[[EntriesStart]] lub [[ES]] |
TAG insterted at the beginning of an offer table |
[[EntryCount]] lub [[EC]] |
Counter of offer rows |
[[EntryCompanyCode]] |
Product code (given by the issuer of an offer) - see also: [[EntrySupplierCode]] |
[[EntryCustomField1]] do [[EntryCustomField99]] |
Custom field. Up to 99 fields can be added. |
[[EntryDiscount]] |
Discount on a given product |
[[EntryMeasurementUnit]] |
Measurement unit of a current row of an offer |
[[EntryName]] |
Offered product/service name (in a given offer row) - selected during printing to template (it may be a basic name or another: e.g. in a foreign language) |
[[EntryShortName]] |
Directly gets a short name of a product or a service |
[[EntryLongName]] |
Directly gets a full name of a product or a service |
[[EntryForeignName]] |
Directly gets the second name (foreign name) of a product or a service |
[[EntryPrice]] |
Price unit in a current row of an offer |
[[EntryImage]] |
Gets an image assigned to a product or a service |
[[EntrySupplierCode]] |
Product code according to a supplier |
[[EntryQuantity]] |
Quantity in a current row of an offer |
[[EntryUnscaledImage]] |
Exports an image showing a product without calibration, in size 1:1 |
[[EntryValue]] |
Value (price unit * Quantity) in a current row |
[[EntryVat]] |
VAT in a current row of an offer |
[[Forewords]] |
Initial text (Written before an actual offer - e.g. "Dear Sir") |
[[Maturity]] |
Payment deadline (a number of days) |
[[OfferDate]] |
Date of an offer |
[[QuoteNumber]] |
A number of an offer |
[[SupplierAddress]] |
Supplier's address (street, building number, etc.) |
[[SupplierCity]] |
Supplier's city |
[[SupplierEmail]] |
Supplier's email |
[[SupplierFax]] |
Supplier's fax number |
[[SupplierLogo]] |
Supplier's logo (image file) |
[[SupplierName]] |
Supplier's name (Company) |
[[SupplierNip]] |
Supplier's VAT No. |
[[SupplierPhone]] |
Supplier's telephone number |
[[SupplierPostalCode]] |
Supplier's postal code |
[[TotalGrossValue]] |
Total gross price |
[[TotalValue]] |
Total value of an offer |
[[TotalVatValue]] |
Total VAT |
[[TotalWeight]] |
Total weight of all products in an offer |
[[UserName]] |
User's name and surname |
[[UserPhoto]] |
User's photo (image) |
[[UserSignature]] |
User's signature (image) |
[[CurrencyRate]] |
Exchange rate of currency in which an offer was issued |
[[EntryWeightPerUnit]] |
Weight per unit of an offered product |
[[EntryWeightTotal]] |
Total weight of products in one offer line |