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Templates tags

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When creating templates, it is necessary to use so-called TAGs.


They are designed to allow the automatic insertion of text and numbers coming from a currently edited offer into templates. As a result, you get a document with the right content.


Not only texts and numbers can serve as tags, but also used images (e.g. a photo of an offered product).


An alphabetic list of TAGs and their descriptions are presented below. Some TAGs are shortened in form. In such a case, the form is provided next to a full name. An abbreviated TAG may be used as an alternative to a full form.


TAG's name



A text written after presenting a particular offer




Name and surname of a customer


Customer's address (street, building number, etc.)


Customer's city


Customer's name (Company)


Customer's postal code

[[EntriesEnd]] lub [[EE]]

TAG insterted at the end of an offer table

[[EntriesStart]] lub [[ES]]

TAG insterted at the beginning of an offer table

[[EntryCount]] lub [[EC]]

Counter of offer rows


Product code (given by the issuer of an offer) - see also:  [[EntrySupplierCode]]


do [[EntryCustomField99]]

Custom field. Up to 99 fields can be added.


Discount on a given product


Measurement unit of a current row of an offer


Offered product/service name (in a given offer row) - selected during printing to template (it may be a basic name or another: e.g. in a foreign language)


Directly gets a short name of a product or a service


Directly gets a full name of a product or a service


Directly gets the second name (foreign name) of a product or a service


Price unit in a current row of an offer


Gets an image assigned to a product or a service


Product code according to a supplier


Quantity in a current row of an offer


Exports an image showing a product without calibration, in size 1:1


Value (price unit * Quantity) in a current row


VAT in a current row of an offer


Initial text (Written before an actual offer - e.g. "Dear Sir")


Payment deadline (a number of days)


Date of an offer


A number of an offer


Supplier's address (street, building number, etc.)


Supplier's city


Supplier's email


Supplier's fax number


Supplier's logo (image file)


Supplier's name (Company)


Supplier's VAT No.


Supplier's telephone number


Supplier's postal code


Total gross price


Total value of an offer


Total VAT


Total weight of all products in an offer


User's name and surname


User's photo (image)


User's signature (image)


Exchange rate of currency in which an offer was issued


Weight per unit of an offered product


Total weight of products in one offer line