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Set's parameters in row (local)

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In the set, apart from global parameters, there can be parameters of the individual rows. These parameters exist when a given product in row is parametric. Parameters in row function only in this row (hence, the name is a local parameter). However, they can have values dependent on the global parameters of a given set.

Local parameters cannot depend on local parameters from different set's rows (similar to Excel). Despite this, in TILIGO sets you can create any relations, similar to a typical spreadsheet. Nonetheless, it should be remembered that when entering functions to local parameters you can use only global parameters (which, however, indirectly enables entering relations to local parameters in the other lines).






If in one row, a value of a parameter A = 4*H+3 (where H is a global parameter) and a value of a parameter B in other row is always 2 times greater than the value of the parameter A, then in this other row we enter B = (4*H+3)*2, contrary to Excel in which it would be B=A.