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Set "Car"

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A set Car presents how to use so-called alternative sets.


First, the user should create so-called alternative lists (sets), (e.g. steering wheels, car body colours etc.). Then, these lists are entered as sets to a superior set called Car. The result is a solution that allows to change freely all elements of a car.


By adding such a complex set to an offer, a user may (together with their customer) make the final selection of all the alternative elements (i.e. choose a type of a steering wheel, a gearbox, car body colour etc.). As a result of these choices, the automatic update of an offer is made.


Everything is done in a very user-friendly way. The customer can observe what would be the final price when choosing a particular variant.


Interestingly, it is possible to include many cars in one offer and each of them can have a different configuration.